
Thursday’s Affirmation

Affirmation should always be in positive terms because it is supposed to work for you and not against you. Instead of saying, “I am not sad,” why not make an affirmation saying, “I am happy.”

An affirmation should be made up of simple but concise words, and it should be short to be more effective. A short affirmation can be easily spoken and repeated by a person. It can serve as a mantra that can be repeated over and over again.

Repetition works by influencing the subconscious, which in turn motivates the person into acting out their affirmation. A person who creates the affirmation should be deeply involved with the words they will be using, so they will be able to actualize their affirmation. Writing the words out as well can be put to good use when creating an affirmation. It helps you to visualize your affirmation and assist your subconscious in believing it as well.

Full article ==>> How to Use Affirmation



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Thursday’s Affirmation was originally published on According to Roberta….

Best Practices for Profit Blogging

Blogging is an activity that will take time to build up to a profit level. It’s a good thing to start while you are working on your business opportunities to let it build to a profitability level. Use your blog to market your skills and business to get it going.

However, that does not mean that it is easy to make money from your blog right away. Don’t start a blog and expect to see money rolling in immediately. With time and attention, your blog (or blogs) will grow into a self sustaining business.

When you are blogging for profit, you’ll want to pay close attention to how you present yourself in your blog. There are literally hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, and there may be several hundred blogs that are related to your specific topic. If your readers can’t understand your blog and have trouble reading it, they’ll just move on to the next one. business-blogging

The following tips can make your blog more user-friendly and help you gain consistent readers.

  • Pay close attention to the format of your blog

Readers want to understand how your blog works right from the start. Most blogging platforms have similar formats, with links and tags on the left or right margin, and the most recent post on top. Make sure to use the links wisely. Only put links up for blogs or content that is truly related to your blog’s topic. The point is to give your readers additional information on your topic. Keep the list short and sweet. There is no reason to overwhelm them with links to other sites.

  • Take careful consideration when choosing your blog’s background and font color

Although there are a lot of color choices that blogging programs offer, its best to stick with a light background and dark text. Studies have shown that the human brain can process this type of format better than light text on a dark background. Think about this before you commit to a black background and white text. It might look striking, but readers might not want to stay there for long. Also, use a solid background color instead of trying to use a pattern or design.

  • Proofread your entries before you post them to your blog

There is nothing that reduces your authority in the eyes of your readers’ more than bad spelling and grammar. The online world is a world of text, so take some time to learn commonly misspelled words and grammatical errors.

  • Keep your blog fresh and interesting by posting at least once per day

With so much information available on the Internet, your readers may go elsewhere if you aren’t supplying daily content. If you aren’t sure what to write about, try posting a poll, a link to another blog, comment on a news story or post of list of helpful tips. Not every post has to be long and complicated, but you do need to post something everyday.

These tips will help keep your blog readable and interesting to your visitors. The more visitors you get, the more your blog will grow in profitability and importance. Just make sure to present yourself in a professional way and keep your readers coming back for more new content each day. It will not take long to before you start making a profits from your blogging.

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Best Practices for Profit Blogging was originally published on According to Roberta….

How to Start Profit Blogging

Work at homers are getting online and blogging their way into successful home businesses. Blogs are here to stay, and many work at homers are taking advantage of the trend. Making money with blogs is a popular choice. Blogs are simple to set up, and relatively easy to update. This is especially true when you compare blogs to other types of websites. Within just a few minutes, you can set up a professional looking blog for free and start your blogging business. Check out the basics in How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul

What is a Blog?

A blog is an easy to update website that looks sort of like a journal. Entries are made at a minimum of each week, and the newest entries appear at the top. Entries are normally short articles of 200 to 500 words. Readers can visit and read the new blog entries. Readers can also comment on entries and provide links between their own blogs and your blog.

What Do I Write?

The opportunities are wide open. Choosing a blog topic is as easy as looking at your own life for inspiration. There are blogs about everything from celebrity news to bathroom cleaning tips. Before you start a blog, do some research to see if people are interested in your topics and if so, take a look at what they are saying. When you pick a topic, make sure to stay within a fairly small “niche.” The term niche is used to describe a group of people who have a similar interest. There are big niches – like working at home – and small niches – like tips for training your cat to sit on the toilet.


Try to find a happy medium between a popular topic and a niche interest so your blog has plenty of readers. Some topics, like working at home or parenting, are too broad and have too much competition for readers. Your topic doesn’t have to be popular, but it does have to have a dedicated group of people who are interested in the topic you are about to discuss. Find a solution to a problem and write about it.

How Do I Start?

You can set up your blog through a free blogging platform, like Blogger or WordPress. There are also a half dozen others to choose from. The blogging platform will walk you through making your first entry into your blog. If you are a little more advanced you can start with a self-hosted blog site such as HostGator or JVZoo.

After you’ve made a few entries into your blog a gain a few dedicated viewers, you can begin to monetize your blog. This means you’ll be making specific changes to your blog in order to make money. One of the most popular ways to gain income from a blog is by using a contextual advertising program, like Google Adsense.

Contextual advertising pays you for each time a reader clicks on one of the advertising links on your page. The advertising program will scan your blog entries for keywords, and then place advertising on your page that relates to your page content.

For example, if you have a blog on children’s television and write an article about Sesame Street, the ads appearing next to that article will have to do with that program. They might be links to shopping for Sesame Street items, or an ad for vintage Sesame Street collectables selling on eBay.

Best Practices

Once you have everything up and running, keep at it! Consistency is key in maintaining and growing your readers and revenue. Ask for emails, so you can let your readers know when a new topic has been posted. Also if you begin to offer other services or products you can email them as well with autoresponders such as GetResponse or Aweber.

How you start is how you want to continue, so if you blog once a day, week, or month keep that schedule. Think of it as job, if you fail to show up to work when you are expected on numerous times, chances are they will replace you with a more consistent person.

Enjoy what you do and the readers will enjoy it too!

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How to Start Profit Blogging was originally published on According to Roberta….

The Spill On Work From Home Opportunities

If you were like me, you didn’t know where to get started when you went online to earn money. I can tell you from experience that you have to do a little work to find the right opportunity for you. It has come to my rescue after being laid off from my corporate job.

Finding the right fit can be a little overwhelming, so I have listed a few tried and true sites that have helped to add to my bank account. You can do most of these opportunities on your own time and earn as much or as little as you want depending on your efforts.

Employment Opportunities from Home

Arise – This is a paid employment platform that allows you to turn your home office into your private call center. The costs to complete the tasks are to cover the testing and background checks. Once completed you can locate a company to work with. While you will be working with a major company you are still considered independent so you will have to cover the costs of training, but once complete most contracts repay the training costs to you once you begin working. You will need to be able to take phone calls and the site lists what is needed for each job.

Ziprecruiter – This is a free platform that allows you to use Monster and LinkedIn to add your resume and apply to opportunities. This is a great on the go opportunity with one-click application. But it also lists work from home employment opportunities. While it does offer remote work options this is for employer work.

You can find a few more companies in – 25 Companies Want You to Work From Home


Freelancing Sites

Upwork –  (Formerly oDesk) This is a free to use platform with credits to apply that replenish every month. You can find a variety of work available here ranging from updating a spreadsheet, data entry, crowdfunding to building a website and so on. Since it is an open forum you are bidding against others. If you are looking to create long term clients for your own business, you could find some here. While there are spammers everywhere I would only search for jobs that have a verified payment on file.

Fiverr – This is a free to use platform offering services for the base price of $5. You can use this platform for single services such as article writing, blog posting, email blasts, support offers, etc. As well as you can offer ‘extras’ that vary in price but can turn your $5 gig into $100 gig. You can also buy services you may need as well. You can find a great step by step program here: 5 Star Profits

Vendeve – This is a ladies only platform (sorry guys) that focuses on building your business and learning new skills. As it is for ladies, it is also an invite only forum. This is to ensure that you have a legitimate business needs and goals. I enjoy the “Swap” feature that allows you to trade your service for another that you may need.

Freelancers Union – This is a free platform to offer your services or meet like minded people. I didn’t touch on this one in the video, but this is a great platform if you are looking to meet with people in your city who are freelancers to bounce ideas off of or just simply step away from the computer for grown-up time. It is also as the name implies – a union – offering 401K, insurance, investing options, and discounts on services.


While there are many sites out there for work from home or freelancing sites, exercise caution. The freelance industry is not free from scammers, so if its unbelievable, then go with that gut feeling. I personally don’t use the sites that you have to pay to apply for freelancing. rule of thumb, just be mindful and read the terms of service for the site you sign up with. Most of them will inform you of how the offering of services work, so if you receive something different be wary.

Whatever option you decide, I look forward to your massive success!


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~ Roberta

The Spill On Work From Home Opportunities was originally published on According to Roberta….

Working From Home – Is It Really Work?

How often have you been accused of not really working if you work from home?

Many people think that working at home isn’t working at all, and that you have all of the free time in the world. Those who have spent any time working at home know that there is a lot of time and energy that goes into effectively working at home. Friends who call in the middle of the day, spouses who expect you to be doing more while home or family members who make offhand comments, can undermine those efforts. If you have friends who work a traditional job, then it can be hard for them to understand that your days aren’t free. Calls during your working time, invitations to lunch and uninvited guests can throw a wrench in your work schedule. In order to get your friends to respect your time, it’s important to make your working schedule clear to them. If you don’t have a clear work schedule, then it is time to make one for yourself.


By setting office hours, you make it clear to everyone around you that you are serious about your work. It will also help set boundaries for your time. Tell your friends that you will be unavailable from a certain time to a certain time, but you’d love to talk before or after those times. You may even go so far as to turn off your phone. If you do answer the phone and someone wants to chat, politely let them know that you are working but can speak after a certain time. Also, schedule things like lunches or visits for one day per week. This way you’ll reduce the drop-ins and spontaneous invitations.

Spouses also can sometimes have difficulty understanding why, if you are home all day, the housework isn’t done. This problem can best by solved by familiarizing them with the nature of your business. Show them exactly what you need to do each day, and how long it takes to do each task. Help them to understand your work schedule, and how much time you need to work per day. As a plus, showing exactly how much money you are making will help them to realize the benefits of your work as well. Ask them to help you come up with solutions for working at home and maintaining the household. Make a list of things that need to be done each week, and assign duties to you, your spouse and the children (if they are old enough). Doing this will make taking care of the house become a family priority and something that you all share responsibility in. As a courtesy be sure to notify everyone in the home of any special projects by keeping a work calendar on the wall or someplace everyone has access to view it.  This way everyone can see what is going on with your work schedule and maybe why you have ordered pizza for dinner three times in the last week!

Especially if this is your first time working from home or you are transitioning from a stay at home parent to a work at home parent, many of us can be hurt over offhand comments about what we are doing.  Family or even friends can say things like “Well you have the time, because you are at home.” In situations like these, you have two choices – You can either get upset, offer a flustered defense or you can take their comments with a grain of salt and offer a calm response. Depending on the situation you can say something like “Well, let me check my work schedule. I know I am not available on these days” or “That would be great on Friday afternoon, which is when I leave time in my work schedule for those types of things.”

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Remember, working at home is new territory for many people although the numbers are growing monthly. It may take some time for the average person to understand the commitment and scheduling that it takes to effectively work from home. Some people still have yet to change their views of working from home, while more and more companies are beginning to understand that you can be more productive while working from home.


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BE, DO, HAVE = Formula for Success

Most of the time people use this model backwards. So they think you have to have a million dollars, then put that money to use, and then you will be a millionaire. When actually the simplest and fastest way to achieve success is to see yourself as a millionaire (Be), begin to earn the money and put it to use (Do), then you will become a millionaire (Have).

In order to be successful in life, it is best to visualize what you want, take steps to achieve it, then you will be it! You don’t start out as a the CEO then learn about your business. You start out learning about your business, growing it, then becoming the CEO. Here are a few tips to get your mindset activated on the model of Be, Do, Have.


1) Invest In Yourself Before Anything Else
– You have to become a person of value. If you want to earn wealth then you have to learn how to create it. It just doesn’t happen, you have to work at it. So work harder on yourself than you work on any business for you are the greatest investment. What you want to create will not be there if you don’t grow yourself to achieve this.

2) Change BAD Habits As Soon As Possible 
– Its the little things that help to make us great. Routines, planning, and consistency are what gets us to where we need to be. Warrren Buffet was quoted as saying, “The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” Think about that. When something major happens, say with your health for example, mainly it is due to numerous and prolonged ‘little’ things that turn into this ‘big’ thing that now has to be addressed. Often times once that happens, you feel as if you will never be able to overcome this as it weighing you down. So it’s the ‘little’ things we need to accomplish and master on a daily basis, so when something ‘big’ arises, you can handle it with ease.

3) Know Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses
– Know yourself – Strengthen your strengths and know where your weaknesses begin. If your expertise is in construction and you no nothing about baking, would you offer assistance to Chef Ramsey? Of course not, you know your limitations. Same goes for improving your mindset, what is it that you don’t know. Do you need to know that to succeed? What strength do you have that will help you to overcome this weakness? Know yourself!

4) Find Work You Love
– If you were independently wealthy, what work would you do? Why are you not doing that? If you are working in a job that you hate, how can you move to something that you love? What is your passion? What is the one thing that you would do, no matter how much money you had? Whatever THAT is, work toward doing it. The happier you are when doing something tends to lead you to want to share it like minded people. You end up growing the business.

5) Face Down Your Fears
– Have the courage to face your fears. The definition of courage is acting in spite of fear. Are you afraid to create a video to market your business? Fear of rejection? Fear of failure? If you give into that fear where does that leave you at the end of the day? If you are afraid of spiders, but it’s one on the doorknob to let you out of a burning house, would you act in spite of fear or perish in the flames of complacency? Face the Fear in your Business.

6) Time is a Precious Resource
– Use it accordingly. Everyone has 24 hours in the day – What are you doing with your time? It’s not really time management you need, it’s YOU management! From millionaires to the unemployed, we ALL have 24 hours in a day. What are you doing? Look at it this way – You use 8 hours to sleep and work. That leaves you with 8 hours. If you have kids, cut that by half. So you have 4 hours left, what are you doing to grow, to increase your wealth, to create something? Are you wasting it watching TV? Wasting it looking at other people succeed and you wondering how they do it? They are no different from you, they just practice YOU management on themselves!

So are you still unsure where to get started? Try to carve out time in the day just for working on YOU! Here is a free planner to help you with that. Map out your day and begin to see where you are losing time. This is the time that you can use to build yourself, work on your business, or donate that time to some other worthy cause.


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BE, DO, HAVE = Formula for Success was originally published on According to Roberta….


Maximize Your Personal & Professional Life in 7 Key Decisions

You ever try to make a decision but are hesitant to do so simply because you do not know the outcome? Many people, especially women, have a difficult time with knowing they think differently than others and acting upon those thoughts. I, myself, want to be different. I want to maximize my life and not look back 20 years later as, “I should have did what I was thinking. Now I have missed out.”

In the book “Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Resilient“, author Valorie Burton discusses the seven key decisions that we should commit to in order to maximize our personal and professional lives. I have found that although simple tasks, women seem to have the most difficulty with these. I ask that you take note and implement these in your life and watch the greatness begin to grow around you.

Here are 7 key decisions to implement:

  1. I Do Not Downsize My Dreams – Stop settling or downgrading your expectations. It’s not the things we did or still do that are regretful, it’s the things that we did not do. Even if you do not receive all that you expect, you still received something. Something is better than not expecting anything at all. The moment you settle that this is all there is, then it will be all there is.
  2. I Focus On Solutions, Not Problems – Change your mindset. Rather than saying I can’t or I don’t know what to do, look for the solutions instead of the excuse. If you can’t, look for how you can. If you don’t know, find out. Think about driving. When you didn’t know how to drive, you went to learn or asked for someone to teach you. You didn’t simply say ‘I don’t know how to drive, so I won’t’, you had a mindset to learn and do it.
  3. I Choose To Be Authentic – Be yourself. It takes courage to be who you are. Most people have a tendency to be who someone else wants to see rather than being true to yourself. It takes more energy to be someone else. save your energy for something else and just be you.
  4. I Choose Courage Over Fear – Fear happens. It’s what you do with that fear that will help you to either succeed or fail. Giving in to fear will make you avoid your dreams. Courage is doing what you fear. If you have a fear of flying, but it’s an emergency and the only way, do you have courage to fly or give into the fear? Fear is inevitable, so refuse to succumb to it.
  5. I Choose Relationships Wisely and Nurture Them Intentionally – Success is not a singular journey. A support system is needed to aid in your success. If you have a goal to own a business, create a relationships with a successful business owners. Not only do you now have a network of people who succeeded but also you now have a network of others to assist and encourage you along your journey.
  6. I Will Actively Seek Feedback and Use It To Grow – Get rid of the ‘Yes Man’. You need truth in what you are doing. Be humble, open to feedback and use the mistake or shortfall as a learning tool. Take the feedback, whether positive or negative, and grow from it.
  7. I Know My Purpose and Take Daily Action In The Direction Of My Vision – Consistency is key. If you have a goal, take steps toward that goal. Eventually you will reach it, but you have to be consistent in trying to reach that goal everyday.


Each of these decisions will assist in helping you to grow toward success. Some may require that you change your mindset or reach out to others. Will you look back at your life 20 or 30 years from now and still be wanting success or will you have achieved it? The decision is yours to make.



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Maximize Your Personal & Professional Life in 7 Key Decisions

You ever try to make a decision but are hesitant to do so simply because you do not know the outcome? Many people, especially women, have a difficult time with knowing they think differently than others and acting upon those thoughts. I, myself, want to be different. I want to maximize my life and not look back 20 years later as, “I should have did what I was thinking. Now I have missed out.”

In the book “Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Resilient“, author Valorie Burton discusses the seven key decisions that we should commit to in order to maximize our personal and professional lives. I have found that although simple tasks, women seem to have the most difficulty with these. I ask that you take note and implement these in your life and watch the greatness begin to grow around you.

Here are 7 key decisions to implement:

  1. I Do Not Downsize My Dreams – Stop settling or downgrading your expectations. It’s not the things we did or still do that are regretful, it’s the things that we did not do. Even if you do not receive all that you expect, you still received something. Something is better than not expecting anything at all. The moment you settle that this is all there is, then it will be all there is.
  2. I Focus On Solutions, Not Problems – Change your mindset. Rather than saying I can’t or I don’t know what to do, look for the solutions instead of the excuse. If you can’t, look for how you can. If you don’t know, find out. Think about driving. When you didn’t know how to drive, you went to learn or asked for someone to teach you. You didn’t simply say ‘I don’t know how to drive, so I won’t’, you had a mindset to learn and do it.
  3. I Choose To Be Authentic – Be yourself. It takes courage to be who you are. Most people have a tendency to be who someone else wants to see rather than being true to yourself. It takes more energy to be someone else. save your energy for something else and just be you.
  4. I Choose Courage Over Fear – Fear happens. It’s what you do with that fear that will help you to either succeed or fail. Giving in to fear will make you avoid your dreams. Courage is doing what you fear. If you have a fear of flying, but it’s an emergency and the only way, do you have courage to fly or give into the fear? Fear is inevitable, so refuse to succumb to it.
  5. I Choose Relationships Wisely and Nurture Them Intentionally – Success is not a singular journey. A support system is needed to aid in your success. If you have a goal to own a business, create a relationships with a successful business owners. Not only do you now have a network of people who succeeded but also you now have a network of others to assist and encourage you along your journey.
  6. I Will Actively Seek Feedback and Use It To Grow – Get rid of the ‘Yes Man’. You need truth in what you are doing. Be humble, open to feedback and use the mistake or shortfall as a learning tool. Take the feedback, whether positive or negative, and grow from it.
  7. I Know My Purpose and Take Daily Action In The Direction Of My Vision – Consistency is key. If you have a goal, take steps toward that goal. Eventually you will reach it, but you have to be consistent in trying to reach that goal everyday.


Each of these decisions will assist in helping you to grow toward success. Some may require that you change your mindset or reach out to others. Will you look back at your life 20 or 30 years from now and still be wanting success or will you have achieved it? The decision is yours to make.



Please feel free to leave your comments below & share with someone.


Maximize Your Personal & Professional Life in 7 Key Decisions was originally published on According to Roberta….


Emu Oil – Nature’s Sliced Bread

Millions of people throughout the world seek pain relief everyday from many various discomforts. But getting relief of aches and pains should not cause more discomfort. The only problem, is that most people seek prescription pharmaceutical medication, which can have bad side effects and can even cause allergies, not to mention it is damaging to our bodies.


If the person who is looking for muscle pain relief is worried about drug interactions, then they may want to consider using a non-drug therapy for muscle pain relief. Non-drug therapies generally rely on pressure and temperature to ease pain and help reduce swelling. Ace bandages and braces can be used to help support sore areas, and they can also be used to hold heat or cold packs in place. Heat and cold treatments can be used alone or in conjunction with other pain relief methods to help relax muscles, reduce pain, and increase circulation. Non-drug treatments for pain can be supplemented with a natural pain relief rub such as Emu Oil.

Australia’s indigenous people have a close affiliation with their land and they used ingredients derived from flora and fauna for the treatment of ailments and injuries. The application of emu oil as a pain relief rub was first documented by G. Bennett in 1860, he said that Emu oil is “a topical embrocation for pain relief from sprains and bruises even in horses and cattle.” The Wiluna communities emu farm 1000 kilometers from Perth in Australia’s rugged outback first produced, under Government supervision, emu products for traditional use. In the period 1984-87, the first pure emu oil was refined and marketed.

As proven in many research studies, Emu oil naturally contains many beneficial qualities. Hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and containing natural antioxidants and skin softeners, Emu Oil continues to provide long-lasting benefits even after repeated washings. It can smooth and condition rough elbows, knees and heels. It can also soften and moisturize hands and cuticles. It has also been proven to reduce itching and flakiness of dry skin.
Emu Oil is also an effective anti-inflammatory. The potency of the anti-inflammatory effect from Emu Oil is similar to ibuprofen without the negative side-affects frequently common with traditional prescription or corticosteroid based anti-inflammatory medications. It is a natural emolient. Emu oil helps combat the effects of the aging process, Research has shown that emu oils can thicken the skin which reduces the appearance of aging.


Whether it’s arthritis, muscle strain, or a minor injury, Emu oil has proven to be an effective alternative remedy. Research continues to study the many intriguing aspects of this oil and have concluded that its applications can be considered too numerous. But nonetheless, Emu oil is a very promising pain relief rub for millions of people.


Please feel free to share with others & share your testimony. Want to retail Emu Oil for your friends & family? Be sure to check us out here!



Fail Your Way To Success

You should ‘Go For No’ daily! Yes it sounds crazy. You say, “I’m trying to get people to say YES and you are saying I should get people to say NO?” Yes I am saying just that!

I recently read Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz’s ‘Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There‘ and my eyes, mind, and heart has forever been changed! Within its 75 pages, a light bulb went off for me and I will never be the same. It is a MUST READ for ANYONE in business, whether you own it or just work there.


Failure is Success

Say what? Yep that’s right! The road to success is failure. How could you know if you succeeded if you never failed? So if your business is sales, do you give up and never return when someone says no? If that’s your business and that’s what you do, then you won’t be in business for long! Think of a small child you see asking for something and the parent says no. Do they give up? Or do they continue to ask? They learn to get success by the failures.

Fail Often 

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but No can never hurt me.” There is a difference from failing and being a failure. People who are heading for success are accepting of failing, but people who refuse to try for fear of the fail become failures. Stepping out, trying new things, accepting the outcome, and trying again if you didn’t get the desired outcome the first time.

The best example I can think of is relationships. Some relationships fail, but most people continue to try by learning from the past and trying again with someone new. Sometimes it takes 5, 6, maybe 10 or 20 relationships before you find ‘The One’, but you failed big and failed often and succeeded and found your special someone.

What Level Are You On?

In ‘Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There‘ there is a chart for the Five Failure Levels. Most people are stuck in the first level due to fear of failure. To become successful you have to be able to fail exponentially. Becoming an entrepreneur will most definitely test your level of acceptable failure. Which level are you on?

1. The ability to Fail – we all know we can fail, but if you are constantly avoiding situations where you could fail, you will remain stagnant and become a failure.

2. Willingness to Fail – Are you willing to take the first step and accept the fail as part of the process to success? This level of thinking will get you going in the right direction. Learning from each failed attempt will keep you here so you won’t give up. Learn from your failings!

3. Wantingness to Fail – This level is more than just a tolerance of failing and trying again. This level is knowing that failure will happen on the road to success, so you seek to fail in order to progress. How can you learn from a failure if you never failed?

Best example is vehicle testing. How fast can you go before the engine fails, or how far can you go before running out of gas? If these things were never tested and failed to meet expectations, then we wouldn’t have cars that went from 20 miles per gallon to 40 miles per gallon. They WANTED to improve the failure of just getting 20 miles to the gallon.

4. Failing BIGGER & FASTER – Yes, once you know what you can achieve from your failed attempts, how much you have grown, how much you have learned & earned, then you realize that failing is a good thing. So if failing is good, do more of it and faster!

If increasing your calls per day reaches 30 more people and lands you 15 more sales, what will happen if you add people to help with calls to reach 60 more people? You will probably end up with 30 more sales! So once you begin to learn from each failure how to improve, do more of it!

5. Fail Exponentially – When you reach this level, you now know what it takes to get to success, so you want others to fail with you!

Think of Michael Jordan. He was a small kid with no family fortune or popularity when he started playing basketball. He failed, he got cut from the team, he lost games, but he didn’t become a failure and give up. He learned from each NO and turned them into YES! Yes we want you on our team, yes we want you in our movie, yes we want you to sell your stuff here! So now he knows what failing can do and he encourages others to do the same.

Are you willing to tell someone to not give up and try again? Help someone else to learn what you learned, that failing leads to success, you just have to KEEP AT IT! Just remember that the more you fail, the more you succeed if you chose to learn from it! Mindset is the beginning of making it happen!

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Get the Book Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There


Fail Your Way To Success was originally published on According to Roberta….